The plants, cultivated by Chadwick himself, were a specialized breeding of the hybrid Cattleya Mini Purple and the species Cattleya trianaei to create a new variety that would be known as Cattleya Michelle Obama. The orchids were to be presented as a gift to Obama, the 14th consecutive First Lady to have a cattleya orchid named in her honor.
Welcome to Chadwick & Son Orchids Inc!
Founded in 1989, Chadwick’s is Richmond’s premier orchid supplier. There are three locations: the greenhouses in rural Powhatan county, the Belmont retail store in the Museum district, and the Gaskins retail store in the West End. See very bottom for hours and addresses.
Stop by for a breathtaking horticultural experience that includes beginner plants, show stoppers and elaborate arrangements as well as blooming orchids year-round. We offer daily deliveries, fancy containers, gifts, and a knowledgeable staff.
Our boarding program is legendary. Your re-blooming orchid “will be like a poodle fresh from the groomer: clean, fluffy, and raring to go.” Washington Post
Can’t make it to one of our locations? Browse our online shop!
The updated 2nd Edition of "The Classic Cattleyas" is now available and includes digital pictures, expanded captions, improved culture tips, and a new chapter on primary hybrids. Signed by Art Chadwick! Go to "Shop" to purchase. International orders and E-versions available from University Press of Florida,
"First Ladies and their Orchids: A Century of Namesake Cattleyas" is the much anticipated sequel to "The Classic Cattleyas". Also written by the father/son team of A. A. Chadwick and Arthur E. Chadwick, the book explores the 100+ year history of United States First Ladies and the cattleya hybrids that bear their names. The lineage of these plants provides an overview of the diverse family of cattleya species that exist in nature as well as an inside look at the renowned growers around the world who played a role in creating these enduring legacies. Included are the fascinating stories of the actual flower presentations, many of which involved the Chadwick's. Signed by Art Chadwick! Go to "Shop" to purchase. International orders are available from University Press of Florida,