
The Merry Sisters of Spring

The Merry Sisters of Spring


Large-Flowered Cattleya Species

The Queen of the Orchid World Spreads Her Wings to Cover the Whole Year


C. trianaei

When a vagabond plant collector named William Swainson sent a bundle of strange lavender-flowered plants thought to be parasitic to the Glasgow Botanic Garden in 1817, he opened the door to a flood of excitement that would engulf the horticultural world for the rest of the century.

Cattleya lueddemanniana

Spring is the season when this Venezuelan species bursts into flower!


Cattleya gaskelliana

Queen Bee par Excellence

It must have been fun to be an orchid enthusiast and live in London in the 1880s. You could see a new display of orchids two or three times a week. You could see the displays even if you only worked in London, because they were usually held from 11 am to 2:30 pm weekdays — during your lunch break.

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