Thomas Young

Vintage Cattleya Fashion

This year marks the 95th anniversary of the American Orchid Society and, to commemorate the milestone, a series of vintage orchid images are being recreated from the 1940’s horticulture magazines. The glossy advertisements were groundbreaking for the time period and promoted the many uses of cut cattleya flowers in high society fashion.

First Ladies and their Cattleyas: Pat Nixon

Richard Nixon’s victory in the 1968 Presidential election was the culmination of a political career that had seen the Californian rise through the ranks of the House of Representatives, Senate, and Vice Presidency. His wife, Pat, was always at his side, attending his speeches, handing out flyers, and working the crowds through each of his eight campaigns. She and Dick were characterized as a team – at a time when most political wives stayed in the background.


First Ladies and their Cattleyas: Jacqueline Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was only 43 years old in 1960 when he became President of the United States, and he introduced a feeling of youth and excitement into the White House. His two young children were always underfoot and his young wife, Jacqueline, age 31, was a fashion statement not only in this country but overseas as well. Kennedy’s administration became known as
Camelot – the mythical realm of King Arthur’s famous Round Table and both Republicans and Democrats embraced his policies. He gave America a new aura of greatness when he announced that he would send astronauts to the moon.

Celebrity Lady

The semialba large-flowered cattleya


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